‘International response to Myanmar woefully inadequate’

‘International response to Myanmar woefully inadequate’

People in Myanmar are risking their lives in anti-coup protests every day and the international community needs to step up and play their part, Burma Campaign UK’s Anna Roberts has said. “The military have huge business interests, so we need to see the EU, UK and others, ban companies from doing business with the military,”…

Brazil covid: ‘We have to save lives before saving the economy’

Brazil covid: ‘We have to save lives before saving the economy’

São Paulo Governor João Doria has described President Jair Bolsonaro as a “crazy guy” who is making the country’s coronavirus situation worse. Speaking to the BBC, he said Brazil’s health system was “on the verge of collapse” amid a spike in cases and deaths. “Brazil is fighting two viruses – the coronavirus and the Bolsonaro…

Virtual Berlin Film Festival: What are the highlights?

Virtual Berlin Film Festival: What are the highlights?

The Berlin Film Festival – which normally takes place in February – has been taking place this week with a five day virtual industry and media event. A larger more celebratory public series of festival screenings and red carpets is planned for June – coronavirus pandemic restrictions permitting. Talking Movies has been looking at some…

Martha and Michael: ‘Our meeting wasn’t instant chemistry’

Martha and Michael: ‘Our meeting wasn’t instant chemistry’

Reality television show Married At First Sight Australia has become an unexpected success in the UK during the coronavirus lockdown. Despite originally airing in Australia in 2019, the series has had millions of viewers on the E4 television channel and its on-demand service during its recent UK broadcast. Martha Kalifatidis and Michael Brunelli, one of…