
A Survey of Bluetooth Vulnerabilities Trends, (Wed, May 26th)

A Survey of Bluetooth Vulnerabilities Trends, (Wed, May 26th) | IT Security News

This article has been indexed from SANS Internet Storm Center, InfoCON: green

As usage of fitness trackers, wireless headsets and smart home devices become increasingly popular in our daily lives, a growing reliance on the Bluetooth protocol is expected as it serves as the main medium of communication between devices. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, Bluetooth-enabled devices such as phones and hardware tokens were also used for contact-tracing purposes in countries such as Singapore [1]. Currently, the core specification of Bluetooth is 5.2 [2], and are generally divided into 2 categories – Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and Bluetooth Classic [3]. Given the increasing popularity and usage of Bluetooth, I started to wonder about the trend of Bluetooth related vulnerabilities.

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